Losing Weight the French Way

It was always our intention when moving out here to eat a little more healthily (quite easily done) drink a little less (nigh on impossible) and do a bit more exercise (no excuse with our glorious countryside) which should all lead to a slow and steady weight loss.

However with the steady flow of visitors since we have arrived it has been hard to achieve all three at the same time. As everyone who visits, quite rightly, are on holiday and it would be very remiss for us not to show them the full Chateau Crow hospitality!!

That said we have both lost weight since September, Lauren just under two stone and me just shy of a stone. But now with it being a quiet time for visitors it is time to ramp it up and get some more weight off.

Our New Years resolutions were for me to give up drink and Lauren to give up chocolate for the best part of 6 1/2 weeks when we return to the UK for the half term break. So far so good for both of us, but from this week onwards we are making some big changes to what we eat.

Since January 1st we haven’t quite watched what we have eaten, especially when Lauren has been baking; Bread & Butter Pudding, Lemon Meringue Pie and Walnut & Coffee cake! But this week we are going all in. No refined sugars, no complex carbohydrates & one cup of coffee a day, just eating lots of veg with fish,chicken & meat, and a little dairy too.

We are exercising at least once every day. Lauren’s making her debut at the Passirac Keep Fit on Wednesday and I am at joining the Chalais Ramblers on Friday, as well as our regular walks around Passirac.

Day one is nearly complete and so far so good, no hunger pains or withdrawal symptoms yet. Weigh in is next Monday morning and hopefully we dropped a few more pounds and will continue our regime for the following two weeks in preparation for our return to the UK.


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